creamed carrot coins
One of the best things about being married, is that after a point of time, when the dust over cultural and behavioral differences settles down, and you finally work out the non zero sum game of ‘who gets the remote, when’ and ‘who does what, when’, that’s the time, when you start imbibing the best of each other’s qualities, As my husband, always very modestly acknowledges that he learnt the art of spending from me, In passing, let me mention that me and DH are a great team, He is excellent at finding ways to earn money, and I pride myself on being an excellent spender One thing I have imbibed from DH, who is an absolute health food freak, is the art of cooking healthy. So much so, that most recipes are tampered and tinkered with, till they are far more nutritious than the original. So here is one more such recipe. The original recipe asked for carrot slices to be deep fried and then tossed in a cream sauce made of all purpose flour, butter, milk and lots of cheese. Very tempt...