creamed carrot coins

One of the best things about being married, is that after a point of time, when the dust over cultural and behavioral differences settles down, and you finally work out the non zero sum game of ‘who gets the remote, when’ and ‘who does what, when’, that’s the time, when you start imbibing the best of each other’s qualities, As my husband, always very modestly acknowledges that he  learnt the art of spending from me, In passing, let me mention that me and DH are a great team, He is excellent at finding ways to earn money, and I pride myself on being an excellent spender Smile

One thing I have imbibed from DH, who is an absolute health food freak, is the art of cooking healthy. So much so, that most recipes are tampered and tinkered with, till they are far more nutritious than the original. So here is one more such recipe. The original recipe asked for carrot slices to be deep fried and then tossed in a cream sauce made of all purpose flour, butter, milk and lots of cheese. Very tempting and tasty, but sure to give a health conscious person like DH a very guilty conscience. So to make it more healthy, I steamed the carrots instead of deep frying them. substituted, low fat oil for butter, multigrain flour for all-purpose, and omitted the cheese entirely.
3 medium sized carrots- Diced into coins
1/2 bunch cilantro (can be substituted with parsley)
1/2 tbsp vegetable oil (any low fat oil is fine)
2 tbpsb whole grain flour (I used pilsbury multigrain flour)
1 cup milk
salt and pepper to taste
In a pan place about a cup of water, and put it on the flame or electric plate.  Put the carrot coins In a vessel, small enough to fit into the pan. Place the vessel in the pan. cover the pan with a lid and steam the carrots till tender. (takes about 15 min).
In another pan, heat oil and add the oil grain flour, roast the whole grain flour slightly. slowly add milk, stirring briskly. When the mixture has thickened to a sauce like consistency, take it off heat. Add salt and pepper to taste, toss the steamed carrots in the sauce and garnish with finally chopped cilantro leaves-‘Taste bhi” Smile

Carrot on FoodistaCarrot


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