
Showing posts with the label Desert

The making of kheer / rice pudding (and other stories)

My son turned  two this Saturday, and we celebrated his birthday along with his best friend’s, who turned two too (yeah too many ‘too’ sounds in one sentence, but I can’t help that!!!) a week before.  After me and my best friend P, who also happens to be the mom of the other kid, decided to celebrate both their birthdays together, there followed weeks of planning. To our respective husband’s amusement and exasperation we would spend hours at each other’s place discussing in detail about each and every aspect of the party. How many people would we invite? Should we hold the party at home or in a hall? What should be on the menu? Should it be just pizza and coke or a full fledged dinner? Should we cook it ourselves or give it out to catering? Should we go all out in decorating the halls, or would a few simple balloons do? What should the return gifts be for the kids? what color/type of tableware would we use? should it be themed? plain white? colored....well after endless planning and mi...