Math in the kitchen-Baking sugar cookies!

sugar cookies The other day I decided to bake some cookies at home and my two sweet kids walked into the kitchen as I was getting out the flour and decided to join me. What happened next was an impromptu math lesson right there on the kitchen floor with my 9 year old son and me as the teachers and my 4 year old daughter as the student. She learned how to measure and level scoops of flour, got introduced to fractions as she measured 1/2 cup of sugar and got out her shapes from the toy box to cut out numbers from the dough and reinforced the concept of big and small by baking two swans - 1 big and 1 small. Learning is not restricted to the classrooms or even a schoolroom at home. Learning can happen anywhere and anytime. Sugar cookies recipe 1 cup all purpose flour 1/8th teaspoon salt 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/4 cup butter Water as needed A pinch of baking soda Combine flour, salt, baking soda and sugar and sieve them three times. Add butter and water ...